I remember the designs from my childhood my guess is that they were sold sometime in the late 1950’s or early 1960’s.
Originally there were 22 cards in this box. A few were used, because now the lot contains 17. Each card is different, some have wonderful greetings on the back.
This one, for example, includes the sweet little greeting:
“This horse must pull me very fast,
I’m hurrying to you – 
With Christmas wishes oh his back
To last the whole year through!”
There’s even a couple of cards for the Teacher!
One special card, for your best friend included – it features a fuzzy/velvet finish.
Originally sold a
t Lustre Lane Greeting Card Co, in Portland Oregon – there is a price sticker on the bottom of the box.
You can see the whole assortment of 17 cards and bid on them – click here to go to the Mechanical Christmas Card auction.