One of the purchases I put on my list of equipment upgrades was a ring flash.
It’s a round flash unit that mounts on the end of your lens and syncs by a hot shoe attachment. I bought mine on eBay for about $40.00.
Mine isn’t very powerful – I don’t think any are because they are meant for ultra-closeup photos. I love it so far! They difference is very subtle but I can see it. Because I only have room currently for a two light set-up, the ring flash allows me to position them for best general lighting without losing details in the front (if I need the light to be on the sides or backs). Here’s an example of a Christmas Ornament – with and without.
The one on the left is without the flash, one on the right with. Notice the detail, especially on his red apron where typically the shadow darkens and obscures.
****By the way – this would never fly as a stock photo because it’s a newer, copyrighted item. (Jim Shore, Enesco). So, an item like this is not allowed to be used as stock. Just wanted to clear that up – I’m also using the ring flash to improve my eBay photos.******